This census was recorded by Monsieur De Meulles,
Intendant of New France and All the People of Beaubassin, Rivi?re St-Jean, Port-Royal, Isle Pers?e and other Colonies of Acadia where he himself visited all of the Habitations at the beginning of the year 1686.
Le Sr. Alexandre LE BORGNE, seigneur du lieu, 43; Daelle. Marie de ST. ESTIENNE his wife age 32; children: Emanuel 11, Marie 9, Alexandre 7, Jeanne 5; Estienne AUCHER, servant.
Michel BOUDROT, Lieutt. General of the Jurisdiction of Port Royal, 85; Michelle AUCOIN his wife age 65; children: Michel 26, Francois 20; 3 guns, 20 arpents, 16 cattle, 17 sheep, 6 hogs.
Le Sr. Dantrexmon [D’Entremont] Philipe MIUS, royal prosecutor, 77; children: Philippe 24, Magdelaine 16; 40 arpents.
Claude PETITPAS, Sr. de laFleur, clerk of the court, 60; Catherine BUGARET his wife 46; children: Claude 23, Jacques 19. Marie 18, Henriette 12, Paul 11, Charles 10, Martin 9, Pierre 5, Anne 2; 2 guns, 12 arpents, 22 cattle 10 hogs.
Claude TERIO 49, Marie GOTRO his wife 40; children: Jean 18. Claude 8, Pierre 2, Anne 14, Jeanne 12, Marie 7, Magdelaine 5, Elisabet 1; 1 gun, 13 arpents. 8 cattle, 6 sheep.
Michel DUPUIS 57, Marie GOTRO his wife 49; children: Martin 21, Pierre, 17, Jean 10, Marie 7; 5f arpents, 6 cattle, 2 sheep.
Francois RIMBAULT 30, Marie BABIN his wife 25; 1 gun 11 cattle.
Charles BABIN 22, Magdelaine RICHARD 15; 2 cattle.
Charles GOTRO 25, Francoise RIMBAULT his wife 20; child: Francois 7 months; 1 gun, 7 cattle.
Mathieu MARTIN 47; 1 gun, 8 arpents, 8 cattle.
Pierre JOAN (Pierre(dit Joan dit Larivi?re) B?zier) 60, Magdelaine BRIN [Brun] his wife 47; children by her first marriage (to Guillaume Trahan): Guillaume 19, Jean 17, Jean-Charles 15, Jeanne 12, Magdelaine 9, Marie 14; (children with Pierre) Susanne Joan 2 months; 2 guns, 8 arpents, 10 cattle, 10 sheep.
Rene RICHARD 28, Magdelaine LANDRY 29; children: Michel 5, Anne 4, Antoine 2; 1 gun, 5 arpents, 10 cattle, 10 sheep.
Pierre RICHARD 24; 1 gun 5 arpents, 10 cattle, 10 sheep.
Jean DOUARON 37, Marianne CANOL 35; children: Abraham 14, Charles 12, Jean 8, Philippes 4, Pierre 6, Jeanne 8, Noel 2; 1 gun, 7 cattle, 1 sheep.
Rene LANDRY 52, Marie BERNARD 42; children: Claude 23, Jean 20, Rene 18, Germain 12, Abraham 8. Pierre 6, Cecile 22, Marie 16, Marguerite 14, Jeanne 10, Catherine 4, Anne 2; 2 guns, 10 arpents, 16 cattle, 20 sheep.
Marie SALE 86.
Antoine LANDRY 26, Marie THIBODEAU 25; children: Marie 4, Antoine 2, Isabelle 1; 2 guns, 9 arpents, 8 cattle, 6 sheep, 10 hogs.
Francois BROUSSARD 33, Catherine RICHARD 22; children: Magdelaine 5, Pierre 3, and a daughter who has not yet been baptized 11 days; 1 gun, 7 cattle, 6 sheep, 5 hogs.
Claude DUGAS 38, Francoise BOURGEOIS 25; children: Marie 12, Claude 10, Francoise 6, Joseph 6, Marguerite 5, Agnesse 1, Jeanne 3; Anne 7; 1 gun, 8 arpents, 25 cattle, 9 sheep, 11 hogs.
Germain TERRIOT 23, Anne RICHARD his wife 15; 1 gun, 6 arpents, 6 cattle, 8 sheep.
Vincent BRUN 70.
Francois LEVRON 33, Catherine SAVOYE 20; children: Jacques 9, Magdelaine 5, Anne 2, Marie 1; 8 cattle, 7 sheep.
Charles MELANSON 44, Marie DUGAS 38; children: Isabelle 13, Charles 11, Madeleine 9, Marie 7, Francoise 4, twins Pierre and Ambroise 10 month; 1 gun, 6 arpents, 20 cattle, 12 sheep, 6 hogs.
Pierre COMMEAU (widower) 88; children: Jean 21, Pierre 25, Antoine 24; 6 arpents, 4 cattle, 12 sheep, 4 hogs.
Bernard BOURC/BOURG 36. Francoise BRUN 34; children: Marie 15, Marguerite 13, Rene 9, Anne 8, Jeanne 6, Claire 4, Francoise 3, Abraham 1; 1 gun, 3 arpents, 4 cattle, 6 sheep, 6 hogs.
Martin BLANCHARD 38, Marguerite GUILEBAULT 18; children by his first marriage (Francoise LEBLANC): Francoise 14, Marie 12, Rene 9; 1 gun, 3 arpents, 9 cattle, 12 sheep, 7 hogs.
Francoise GIROUARD 70, Jeanne 55; they had 5 children whom this census shows below; 1 gun, 5 arpents, 13 cattle, 16 sheep, 8 hogs.
Julien LORD 33, Charlotte GIROUARD 26; children: Alexandre 10, Jacques 8. Pierre 5, Marie 1.
Bonaventure TERRIOT 43, Jeanne BOUDROT 42; children: Anne 12, Marguerite 8; 1 gun, 4 arpents, 5 cattle, 6 sheep, 2 hogs.
Michel RICHARD 56, Jeanne BABIN 18; Children (the first 5 are probably from a previous marriage to Magdeleine BLANCHARD): Martin 19, Alexandre 17, Marie 12, Cecille 10, Marguerite 7, Michel 2, and 5 others who are married; 2 guns, 12 arpents, 16 cattle. 30 sheep, 8 hogs.
Emanuel HEBERT 30, Andree BRUN 40; children: Guillaume 6, Marguerite 5, Jean 3, Jacques 2, and a 1 month old baby not baptized; children Germain 18, Pierre 15. Catherine 12; 1 gun, 4 arpents, 14 cattle, 21 sheep, 8 hogs.
Pierre GODET, the younger, 32; Marie BLANCHARD 30; Children: Pierre 10, Antoine 7, Germain 5, Guillaume 3, Denis 2 months; 2 guns, 3 arpents, 10 cattle, 18 sheep, 10 hogs.
Bastien BRUN 32, Hugette BOURG 28; children: Jeanne 9, Claude 7, Abraham 6, Vincent 5, Jean 4, Antoine 1; 1 gun. 12 cattle 12 sheep, 10 hogs.
Pierre LANDRY 28, Magdelaine ROBICHAUD 21; child: Pierre 3; 1 gun, 2 arpents, 6 cattle, 6 sheep, 5 hogs.
Charles DOUCET 22, Huguette GUERINE 20; child Claude 1; 1 gun, 1 arpent, 4 cattle, 6 sheep, 3 hogs.
Francois GOTRO 71, Emee LEJEUNE 61; 3 guns, 4 arpents, 8 cattle, 5 sheep, 8 hogs.
Claude GOTRO 27, Marie TERRIOT 20; child: Marie 6 months.
Jean HEBERT 27.
Pierre GUILLAUME 60.
Pierre ARSENAULT 40, Marie GUERIN 24; children: Pierre 10, Abraham 8.
Cristofle (Christophe) MARGERY 55.
Claude BERTRAN(D) 35, Catherine PITRE 18, they live at Cap de Sable.
Francois TOURANGEAU 42, Marie PITRE 22; child: Jeanne 2.
Nicolas BARILLOT 40, Marie HEBERT 28; child: Marie 2.
Marie BOURC/BOURG, widow of Vincent BREAU, 50; children: Antoine 22, Marguerite 18, Pierre 16, Anne 14, Francois 12. Jean 11, Marie 9, Jeanne 6, Rene 3, Susanne 2 months; 3 arpents, 6 cattle, 4 sheep, 6 hogs.
Jeanne ROUSSILIERE, widow of GODIN, dit Chatillon; children: Gabriel 25, Pierre 20, Anne 13.
Rene RIMBAULT 70, Anne Marie 61; children: Rene 12, Anne 15, Magdeleine 11; 1 gun, 8 arpents, 6 cattle, 5 sheep, 6 hogs.
Jacques GIROUARD 38, Marguerite GOTRO 32; children: Alexandre 16, Pierre 14, Jacques 12, Jean 10, Francois 6, Claude 3, Guillaume 3 months, Marie 8, Marguerite 4; 6 arpents, 13 cattle, 15 sheep.
Jean BLANCHARD 75, Radegonde LAMBERT 65.
Guillaume BLANCHARD 35, Huguette GOUJONNE 27; children: Rene 8, Antoine 6 1/2. Marie 12, Jeanne 5, Anne 2; 4 guns, 5 arpents, 16 cattle, 20 sheep.
Jacques LEBLANC 35, Catherine HEBERT 23; children: Jean 12, Jacques 9, Pierre 9, Pierre 2, Rene 1 month, Marguerite 11, Marie 6, Anne 5, Catherine 3; 3 guns, 6 arpents, 25 cattle, 30 sheep, 15 hogs.
Jean HEBERT 32, Anne DOUCET 22; children: Jacques 9, Pierre 7, Jean 5, Joseph 2 months, Jeanne 3.
Antoine HEBERT 72, Genevieve LEFRANC 80.
Daniel LEBLANC 60, Francoise GODET 60; 2 guns, 6 arpents, 15 cattle, 20 sheep, 7 hogs.
Andre LeBlanc 26, Marie DUGAS 19; child: Jean 2.
Pierre LEBLANC 21, Marie TERRIOTt 21; child: Pierre 1.
Rene LEBLANC 29, Anne BOURGEOIS 25; children: Jacques 6, Francois 4, Rene 2.
Antoine LEBLANC 24, Marie BOURGEOIS 21; children: Antoine 4, Charles 2.
Jacob BOURGEOIS 67, Jeanne TRAHAN 57; child: Guillaume 31; 20 arpents.
Jean COMMEAU 30, Francoise Imber (HEBERT) 23; children: Marie 8, twins Pierre and Estienne 6, Jean 3, Anne 1; 4 arpents, 4 cattle, 10 sheep.
Abraham DUGAS 70, Marguerite DOUCET 50.
Martin BENOIST 42, Marie CHAUSSEGROS 30; children: Pierre 11, Pierre 3, Clement 9, Jean 5, Jacquette 13, Marie 8; 4 hogs.
Charles BOUDROT 40 (widower); children: Marie 11, Charles 10, Anne 8, Rene 6, Marguerite 4, twins Claude and Jean-Baptiste 3, 1 gun, 2 arpents, 9 cattle, 12 sheep.
Jean BOURC/BOURG 40, Marguerite MARTIN; children: Anne 18, Marguerite 16, Marie 13, Isabelle 10, Magdelaine 8, Catherine 6, Jean-Baptiste 3; 1 gun, 12 arpents, 16 cattle, 15 sheep, 12 hogs.
Abraham BOUDROT 30, Cecile MELANSON his wife 16; 2 guns, 5 cattle, 15 sheep.
Thomas VINCENT 20, Michel VINCENT his brother 18. Germain DOUCET 45, Marie LANDRY 35, Bertrand 19, Laurens 16, Jacques 15, Claude 12, Marie 8, jeanne 6. Alexis 4, Pierre 1; 5 arpents, 9 cattle, 10 sheep.
Jean PITRE 61, Marie PESELET 45; children: Claude 16, Mare 12, Pierre 9, Jean 6, Francois 4, one girl 2, one girl 1 month.
Jeanne PELLETRET, widow of Barnabe MARTIN, 45; children: Marie 18, Rene 15, Madeleine 12, Jeanne 10, Estienne 8, and two other children; 4 arpents, 6 cattle, 4 hogs.
Pierre VINCENT 20.
Jean PRIJEAN 35, Andree SAVOYE 21; child: Marie 2; 2 guns, 1 arpent, 1 hog.
Nicole COLLESON 80. Jean GODET her son 45, Jeanne HENRY his wife 30; children: Francoise 13, Jean 12, and three other children by his first wife; 1 gun, 4 arpents, 4 cattle, 4 sheep, 3 hogs.
Jacques LEPRINCE 40, Marguerite HEBERT 35; 4 children; 5 sheep, 3 hogs.
Magdelaine BRUN 45, Guillaume TRAHAN her son 20, Jean 20, Alexandre 16, and 3 daughters; children from her second husband, la RIVIERE: Susanne RIVIERRE 5 months; 1 gun, 2 arpents, 7 cattle, 3 sheep.
Antoine BELLIVEAU (BELLINEAULT) 70, Andree GUION 70; Jean BELLIVEAU, son, 34; Jeanne BOURRE (BOURQUE) his wife 28; children: Jean 14, Madeleine 12, Charles 8, Antoine 7; 2 guns, 4 arpents, 16 cattle, 12 sheep, 12 hogs.
Olivier BOUDROT 25, Isabelle PETITPAS his wife 17; 4 cattle, 6 sheep.
Laurens GRANGER 46, Marie LANDRY 36; children: Marguerite 18, Pierre 16, Jacques 14, Rene 10, Claude 8, Marie 6, Anne 2; 1 gun, 3 arpents, 8 cattle, 6 sheep, 6 hogs.
Antoine BOURC/BOURG 95, Antoine LANDRY 80; child: Marguerite 18.
Francoise BOUDROT, widow of Estienne ROBICHAUD, 42; children: Prudhomme 17, Marie 14, Alexandre 11, Francois 9, Charles 19; 4 arpents, 6 cattle, 7 sheep, 6 hogs.
Jean GODET 33, Jeanne his wife 21; children by his first marriage: Francoise 13, Jean 12; and by his second marriage: Marie 4, Jeanne 1; 2 guns, 4 cattle, 10 sheep, 17 sheep, 4 hogs.
Nicolas BARILLOT 36, Martine Imbert (HEBERT) 20; child: Marie 2 1/2; 1 gun 3 sheep.
Jean de BASTARACHE 25, Huguette VINCENT 22; child: Marianne 7 months.
Jean FARDEL 46, Marie GODET 36; children: Bernard 16, Louis 13, Olivier 12, Jean 10, Marie 9, Anne 7, Pierre 5; 1 gun, 5 arpents, 13 cattle, 9 sheep, 8 hogs.
Pierre GAUDET 35. Anne BLANCHARD 41, children: Giraud 20, Bernard 13, Pierre 11, Claude 9, Abraham 7, Marie 4, Magdelaine 4, Jeanne 2; 4 arpents, 10 hogs.
Antoine BABIN 55, Marie MERCIER 40; children: Vincent 21, Marguerite 16, Catherine 14, Anne 12, Antoine 10, Magdelaine 8, Francoise 5, Jean 2; 1 gun, 1-1/2 arpents, 10 cattle, 12 sheep, 8 hogs.
Robert HENRY 43, Marie-Magdelaine GODIN 20; children: Martin 7, Marie 5, Jean 2, and one (baby) who is not baptized; 1 gun, 4 cattle, 10 sheep.
Pierre MARTIN (widower) 50; children: Pierre 23, Andre 20, Jacques 19, Jean 15, Cecille 10, Marie 8, Renee 6; 5 arpents, 10 cattle, 10 sheep, 8 hogs.
Germain SAVOYE 31, Marie BARAULT 21; children: Germain 5, Francois 2; 4 arpents, 8 cattle, 6 sheep, 5 hogs.
Laurens GODIN 32, Anne GUERIN 26; children: Pierre 8, Marie 6, Guillaume 4, Anne 5 months; 7 cattle, 7 sheep.
Estienne COMO 35, Marie-Anne LAFEUBINE 35; children: Catherine 14, Alexandre 12, Marie 10; 1 gun, 9 arpents, 10 cattle. 15 sheep, 6 hogs.
Pierre COMO 32, Jeanne BOURC 22; children: Marie 8, Abraham 7, Marguerite 6, Anne 5, Jeanne 4, Joseph 5 months; 1 gun, 10 cattle, 10 sheep, 6 hogs.
Estienne PELLERIN 40, Jeanne SAVOYE 29; children: Magdelaine 10, Marie 8, Pierre 5, Anne 3, Jean-Baptiste 1; 3 arpents, 8 cattle, 12 sheep, 8 hogs.
Abraham BOURC/BOURG 25, Marie BRUN 24; children: Jean 2, Marguerite 6 months; 1 gun, 6 arpents, 10 cattle, 10 sheep, 8 hogs.
Perine BOURC/BOURG, mother, 74; Claude LANDRY 24, Marguerite TERRIOT his wife 20; child: Marguerite 18 months; 1 gun. 3 arpents, 7 cattle, 8 sheep, 6 hogs.
Martin BOURC/BOURG 36, Marie POTET 29; children: Marie 10, Abraham 7, Pierre 5, Jeanne 2; 1 gun, 3 arpents, 4 cattle, 5 sheep, 6 hogs.
Pierre TIBAUDEAU 55, Jeanne TERRIOT: 43; children: Marie 25, Marie 23, Marie 21, Catherine 19, Anne-Marie 16, Pierre 16, Jeanne 14, Jean 13, Antoine 12, Pierre 10, Michel 8, Cecille 6, Anne-Marie 4, Claude 2; 1 gun, 10 arpents, 14 cattle, 5 sheep, 7 hogs.
Pierre GUILBAULT 47, Catherine TERRIOT: 33; children: Marguerite 18, Jeanne 16, Hugues 13, Isabelle 11, Charles 9, Marie 4, Jeanne 1; 1 gun, 8 arpents, 8 cattle, 6 sheep, 8 hogs.
Jean CORPORON 39, Francoise SAVOYE 35; children: Marie 16, Magdelaine 14, Jeanne 12, Jean 10, Marie 8, Isabelle 6, Cicille 4, Marguerite 1; 2 cattle, 2 sheep 1 hog.
Michel DEFOREST 47, Jacqueline BENOIST 13; children by his first wife (Marie HEBERT): Michel 19, Pierre 18, Rene 16, Gabriel 13, Marie 11, Jean-Baptiste 9; 1 gun, 5 arpents, 8 sheep, 4 hogs.
Dominique GARAULT 60, Marie GODET; children of Marie (and Emanuel HEBERT): Michel 20, Antoine 16; and Elarie Garault 9; 3 arpents, 4 sheep, 3 hogs.
Pierre DOUCET 55 (sic 65), Henriette PELLETRET 40; children: Toussaints 23, Jean 20, Pierre 18, Marguerite 6, Mathieu 1; 2 guns, 5 arpents, 8 cattle, 12 sheep, 6 hogs.
Jacques LAPERRIERE (LePrince) 40, Marie SAVOYE 30; children: Pierre 9, Magdelaine 7, Nicolas 4, Alexis 2.
Marie BOURC/BOURG (widow of Vincent BROT/BREAU) 41; children: Antoine 20, Marguerite 18, Pierre 16, Anne 17, Francoise 11, Jeanne 9, Marie 7, jeanne 5, Rene 3, Isabelle 5 months; 4 arpents, 10 cattle, 5 sheep, 5 hogs.
Summary of the census of Port Royal:
592 persons; 95 families.
197 men and women, 218 boys, 177 girls,
75 guns, 643 cattle, 627 sheep, 351 hogs,
377 arpents of cultivated land.
Jacques de LA TOUR Sr. de ST ESTIENNE 25; Marie MELANCON his wife 18; 3 guns 4 arpents, 5 cattle.
Charles LATOUR 22; 2 guns
Jacques MIUS Sr. de Pobomcouc 27; Anne de ST ESTIENNE 22; children: 3 boys; 5 guns 3 arpents, 6 cattle.
Abraham MIUS, dit Plemarch, 24; Marguerite de ST ESTIENNE 21; children: Marguerite 5, Charles 3; 4 guns, 4 cattle.
Abraham DUGAS 23, Jeanne GUILBAULT 18; 2 guns, 2 cattle.
La Liberte Le Neigre
Summary: 15 persons, 16 guns, 7 arpents of cultivated land, 17 cattle.
(Port LeHavre and Merlegoueche)Jacques PROVOST 48, Jeanne FAUVAUX (in the census: FOUCAUX) his wife 40; and Jacques PETIT, volunteer, 28; 3 guns, 2 arpents, 1 hog.
Jean LABAT, inhabitant of La Petite Riviere de La Halve, 50.
Jean VESIN 55.
Pierre LEJEUNE, dit Briars, 28; Marie TIBAUDEAU his wife 25; 6 guns, 1 arpents.
Martin LEJEUNE 25, Jeanne his wife who is an Indian; children: Claude and a girl (ages not reported).
Francois MICHEL 35, Magdelaine GERMON 40, and Charles GOURDEAU, a servant, 40.
LAVERDURE 35, his wife 25, and one child
(no age reported).PETITPAS 25, his wife 18.
Summary of la Halve and Miriguaiche:
19 persons,
9 guns, 3 arpents of cultivated land,
1 hog.
Pierre MELANCON, dit LaVerdure, 54; Marie MIUS DAUTREMON his wife 36; children: Philippe 20, Cecile 18, Pierre 16. Marie 13, Marguerite 10, Isabelle 7, Jean 5, Magdeleine 2, and a child one day old; 12 guns, 50 arpents, 31 cattle, 8 sheep, 27 hogs.
Martin AUCOIN 35, Marie GAUDET 27; children: Martin 12, Marie 10, Michel 9, Isabelle 7, Louis 6, Agnesse 4, Alexis 3, Cecille 7 months; 1 gun, 15 cattle, 10 sheep, 6 hogs.
Noel (Louis-No?l) LABAUVE (in census: de la BOUE) 27, Marie RIMBAULT 22; children: Rene 7, Pierre 5, Francois 3, Louis 2; 1 gun, 1 arpent, 1 cow, 3 sheep, 3 hogs.
Francois LAPIERRE, dit laRoche, 38; Jeanne RIMBAULT 24; children: Francois 5, Marie 3, Jacques 1; 1 gun.
Philippe PINET 32, Catherine HEBERT 24; children: Jean 6, Antoine 4, Noel 3, Marie 1; 2 guns, 8 arpents, 12 cattle, 15 hogs.
Philippe TERIO 32, Cecile LANDRY 22; Jacques MARTIN servant (no age reported) 1 gun 16 arpents, 9 cattle, 8 hogs.
Estienne RIVET 34, Marie COMMEAU 24; children: Rene 8, Marie 6, Estienne 3; 3 cattle, 1 hog.
Claude BOUDROT 23, Anne-Marie TIBODEAU his wife 20.
Estienne HEBERT 32, Jeanne COMMEAU 24; children: Antoine 6, Marie 4, Estienne 1; 2 guns, 8 arpents, 7 cattle, 7 hogs.
Claude LANDRY 23, Marie TIBAUDEAU 18; a child one year old; 12 cattle.
Summary of the census of Baye des Mines: 57 persons, 20 guns, 83 arpents of cultivated lands. 90 cattle, 21 sheep, 67 hogs.
MEGAIS AND PETAGPOUET (Pentagouet)Martin D’APRENDESTIQUE (d’Aprendestiguy de Martignon), dit Martignon 70, Jeanne LATOUR his wife 60; child: Marianne 24.
Le Sr. DAMOURS De Chauffours 32, Marguerite GUION his wife.
Le Sr. Mathieu DAMOURS de Freneuse 28, Louise GUION
his wife.Ren? DAMOURS de Clignancourt.
Le Sr. de ST-AUBIN and his wife; his older and younger sons and a few servants.
DESORCIS who also lives at this river.
DUBREIUL and a few servants.
Le sieur de ST CASTIN and several servants.
Summary: Along this entire settlement there are 16 persons, without counting the servants of each of the seigneurs.
Michel LENEUF Sr. de la Valli?re, seigneur of Beaubassin 45; children: Alexandre 20, Jacques 17, Marie-Josephe 15. Jean- Baptiste 12, Juditte 10, Michel 8, Marguerite 6, Barbe 4; servants: Francois LEGER 55, GABRIEL 20, Michel LARCHE 22, Marie LAGASSE 16; and Me. PERTUIS, gunsmith; 70 guns, 60 arpents, 19 cattle, 22 sheep, 12 hogs.
(Emmanuel) MIRANDE 38, Marguerite BOURGEOIS 28; child of the first marriage of Marguerite BOURGEOIS (to Jean BOUDROT): Marie 9; children of second marriage with Mirande: Joseph 5, Francois 4, Estienne 3, Jeanne 2; 3 guns, 25 arpents, 18 cattle, 8 sheep, 30 hogs.
LABARRE 50, his wife 46, Marie his daughter 5; 1 gun, 3 arpents, 3 hogs.
Germain GIROUARD 30, Marie BOURGEOIS 34; children of Marie BOURGEOIS and Pierre CIRE (her first husband): Jean 15, Pierre 8, Guillaume 6; (and by her second husband:) Germain Girouer 4, Agnes 7 months; 1 gun, 4 arpents, 8 cattle, 3 sheep, 4 hogs.
Pierre MORIN 51, Marie MARTIN 44; children: Louis 22, Antoine 20, Marie 18, Anne 16, Jacques 14, Charles 12, Marguerite 10, Jean 8, Jacques-Francois 3; 30 arpents, 15 cattle, 8 sheep, 12 hogs.
Jean-Aubin MIGNAULT 36, Anne DUGAS 34; children by her first marriage to Charles BOURGEOIS: Charles BOURGEOIS 14, Claude 12, Anne 7; (by her second marriage:) Jean MIGNAULT 6, Cecile 21, Alexis 3 months; 2 guns, 8 arpents, 20 cattle, 4 sheep, 14 hogs.
Jacques COCHU 26, Marie MORIN 20; child: Pierre 3; 2 guns, 6 arpents, 4 sheep, 6 hogs.
Michel POIRIER 37, Marie BOUDROT 36; children: Michel 12, Claude 9, Anne 7, Pierre 6, Jean-Baptiste 3, Louis 2; 1 gun, 7 arpents, 13 cattle, 3 sheep, 8 hogs.
Robert COTTARD 40, Susanne JAROUSELLE 40; child; Pierre 6; 1 gun 2 arpents, 2 cattle, 1 sheep 1 hog.
Pierre MERCIER 40, Andree MARTIN 37; children of Andr?e MARTIN’s first marriage to Francois PELLERIN: Marie 16, Anne 14, Isabelle 12, Jeanne 10, Catherine 8, Pierre 6; (children of her second marriage:) Joseph Mercier 5, Magdelaine 3, Alexandre 2, Marie-Joseph 6 months; 1 gun, 40 arpents, 6 cattle, 4 hogs.
Roger QUESSY 35, Marie POIRIER 35; children 16, Jean 10, Pierre 8, Guillaume 6, Michel 1 1/2; 2 guns, 8 arpents, 18 cattle, 6 sheep, 8 hogs.
Germain BOURGEOIS 34, Magdelaine DUGAS 22; children: Guillaume 12, Marie 9, Michel 7, Magdelaine 3; 2 guns, 5 arpents, 8 cattle, 3 sheep, 4 hogs.
LAVALLEE 48, Marie MARTIN 23; children: Marguerite 3, Genevieve 1; and of LAVALLEE’s first marriage there are 8 children; 2 guns, 40 arpents. 20 cattle, 12 sheep, 15 hogs.
LAGASSE 50, Marguerite his wife 48; children: Gabriel 19, Jeanne 13, Marguerite 10, Anne 8, Pierre 6; 2 guns, 12 arpents, 2 cattle, 8 hogs.
Pierre MORIN, the son, 24; Jeanne LAVALLEE 18; child: Pierre 3; 2 guns, 6 arpents, 14 cattle, 6 sheep, 8 hogs.
Jacques BLOU 47, Marie GIROUARD 47; children: Marie 17, Jeanne 5, Francoise 18 months; 3 guns, 40 arpents, 15 cattle, 18 sheep, 20 hogs.
Thomas CORMIER 55, Magdelaine GIROUARD 37; children: Magdeleine 18. Francois 16, Alexis 14, Marie 12, Germain 10, Pierre 8, Angelique 4, twins Marie and Jeanne 1; 4 guns, 40 arpents, 30 cattle, 10 sheep, 15 hogs.
ARSENAULT who resides in Port Royal owns in the seigneurie of Beaubassin: 1 gun, 30 arpents, 8 cattle, 4 sheep, 6 hogs.
Guillaume BOURGEOIS, resident of Port Royal, owns at Beaubassin: 2 guns, 30 arpents, 8 cattle, 3 sheep.
Claude DUGAS owns at Beaubassin: 30 arpents, 8 cattle.
Summary for Beaubassin:
127 persons
102 guns
426 arpents of cultivated land
236 cattle, 111 sheep, 189 hogs.
Le sieur Richard DENYS de Fronsac, seigneur
of Miramichy, and four or five servants.CHEDABOUCTOU
Le sieur de la BOULAIS, royal lieutenant, in the fort at the lower end of the bay with 15 or 20 servants. In the place are 3 or 4 inhabitants who are clearing the land.
ENAUD 35, his wife who is an Indian and 3 or 4 servants. He is cultivating land and raising cattle.
BOISSEL, his wife and 8 children
LAMOTTE, his wife and 4 children
LESPINE his wife and 4 children
LE GASCON and his wife
Pierre LE BASQUE and his wife.Summary: 59 persons.
General Summary of all the people, men, women and children, who are at Port-Royal, Cap-de-Sable, La Havre, Mirliguaiche, Baye des Mines, Rivi?re St-Jean, Pesmonquady, Megais, Pentagouet, Beaubassin, Miramichy, Chedaboucton, Nepisigny and Isle Perce?:
885 persons
222 guns
986 cattle, 759 sheep, 608 hogs
896 arpents of cultivated land.
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