by | Dec 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
This census was recorded by Monsieur De Meulles, Intendant of New France and All the People of Beaubassin, Rivi?re St-Jean, Port-Royal, Isle Pers?e and other Colonies of Acadia where he himself visited all of the Habitations at the beginning of the year 1686. 1686...
by | Dec 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
HABITANTS DE PORT ROYAL 1678 Francois Gauterot Bastien Brun, 1 boy/ly, 2 cattle, 1 gun 10 barrels La Ramee 25 cattle 6 acres Les Voizins 8 Strangers La Verdure 2 113 over 15 years 90 men – 69 guns – 55 families – 149 boys and 119 girls Marriageable...
by | Dec 10, 2016 | Uncategorized
Recensement 1671 – Acadie 1671 PORT ROYAL Jacob BOURGEOIS, Surgeon, 50; his wife Jeanne TRAHAN 40; Children: (one son and one daughter are married): Jeanne 27, and Charles 25; then Germain 21, Marie 19, Guillaume 16, Marguerite 13, Francoise...
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