Recensement 1686 Acadie

This census was recorded by Monsieur De Meulles, Intendant of New France and All the People of Beaubassin, Rivi?re St-Jean, Port-Royal, Isle Pers?e and other Colonies of Acadia where he himself visited all of the Habitations at the beginning of the year 1686. 1686...

Recensement 1678 Acadie

HABITANTS DE PORT ROYAL 1678 Francois Gauterot Bastien Brun, 1 boy/ly, 2 cattle, 1 gun 10 barrels La Ramee 25 cattle 6 acres Les Voizins 8 Strangers La Verdure 2 113 over 15 years 90 men – 69 guns – 55 families – 149 boys and 119 girls Marriageable...

Recensement 1671 Acadie

Recensement 1671 – Acadie   1671   PORT ROYAL   Jacob BOURGEOIS, Surgeon, 50; his wife Jeanne TRAHAN 40; Children: (one son and one daughter are married): Jeanne 27, and Charles 25; then Germain 21, Marie 19, Guillaume 16, Marguerite 13, Francoise...